May 10, 2010

Last Wednesday, Ryan asked when Mother's Day was. I told him it was Sunday and he did the "this Sunday?!" I nodded yes, and thought well there goes another year. He proceeded to tell me that he knew what he wanted to get me. Wow, he's already thought about this, this is a good start. He asked if I wanted to know and since I hate surprises, I said yes. He looked at me and said, "you need to get your hair done." Ironically I had just put on my facebook whether I should keep it long or chop it off. So part of me was a little offended, but I also thought it was great, he was actually saying that I could leave the house for an extended period of time to do something just for me. So while I informed him that it would be about 3 hours that information didn't seem to sink in, when on the day of he wondered why I wasn't home within the :)
But he survived, because really why shouldn't he, and I have pretty hair. I don't feel pretty enough all over yet to take a picture, but it has helped with a bit of my moral with this baby weight. It was even nice that night at a friends house that all of the boys noticed my hair and they liked it. That was a good little boost for the day. :)
Sunday I had a nice day and my only rule is that no one can be grouchy at me on Mother's Day.

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